Q: Is the sweepstakes for every country NAVAC has expanded to?

A: Unfortunately, the answer is NO. Due to laws and regulations, we can only run this within the United States for US residents only.


Q: How do people submit for entries?

A: Customers with eligible purchase can go to our raffle website RAFFLE.NAVACGLOBAL.COM (currently under construction) to submit the purchase receipt for entries. Submissions will be screened by the system first and finally approved manually by NAVAC raffle operator. Participants will be requested to create an account on the website so they can log back in to check their total entry counts.


Q: How is entry calculated?

A: First of all, any purchase counts! Participates will receive entries based on the MSRP of the tool. One dollar = one entry (rounded down). There is also a SKU-Entry conversion sheet in the “Contest Rules” session on the raffle website.


Q: I had a customer just bought NAVAC tools 2 days before the sweepstakes period, will NAVAC honor it and give him entries?

A: No, there is no option where purchases made prior to the start date of a promotion can count as entries into a Sweepstakes, so we cannot incorporate those dates. There is a law of “Equal Dignity” that does not allow for this. There is no flexibility in this to run legally.


Q: How and when is the winner picked?

A: There will be one (1) Grand Prize available. The potential Prize Winner will be selected in a random drawing conducted by American Sweepstakes & Promotion Co. The Prize drawing will be conducted on or about April 7, 2025.


Q: Will the products being submitted also be registered on NAVAC database?

A: Yes, the products will be automatically registered on our database for quick warranty process.


Q: Do the free tools I earned from my local NAVAC dealer count towards entries?

A: No, free tools are NOT considered a purchase. If your receipt shows an item at zero dollar, that will not count towards entries.